Scp Serie 3
Operational Information
Liste over SCPer
2000 till 2099
2100 till 2199
2200 till 2299
2300 till 2399
2400 till 2499
2500 till 2599
2600 till 2699
2700 till 2799
2800 till 2899
2900 till 2999
Operational Information on SCPs
Liste over SCPer
2000 till 2099
- SCP-2000 - Deus Ex Machina
- SCP-2001 - A Space Oddity
- SCP-2002 - A Dead Future
- SCP-2003 - Preferred Option
- SCP-2004 - Personal Data Assistants of the Gods
- SCP-2005 - Predicting the Past
- SCP-2006 - Too Spooky
- SCP-2007 - Science Fiction
- SCP-2008 - …but blood must sometimes be spilled…
- SCP-2009 - Thomas Hoang
- SCP-2010 - No EyePhone
- SCP-2011 - Recomposing Tribesmen
- SCP-2012 - Perdidit in Tempore
- SCP-2013 - The Reptilian Meme
- SCP-2014 - Zsar Magoth
- SCP-2015 - Anart Mechas
- SCP-2016 - Wizard's Doll
- SCP-2017 - The Girl with the Made-Up Disease
- SCP-2018 - Museum of You
- SCP-2019 - Gelatinous Brain Cube
- SCP-2020 - Cliche, Right?
- SCP-2021 - Single-sided Paper
- SCP-2022 - Sunlight Pills™
- SCP-2023 - Aidoneus' Apology
- SCP-2024 - Mixing Rod
- SCP-2025 - Cone of Humanity
- SCP-2026 - Civilization Mouthwash
- SCP-2027 - Space-Borne Organism
- SCP-2028 - Nightmare Snow Globes
- SCP-2029 - An Egg in a Jar
- SCP-2030 - LA U GH IS F UN
- SCP-2031 - Ant farm
- SCP-2032 - Father Time
- SCP-2033 - Coincidental Tree
- SCP-2034 - Tussaud's Delusion
- SCP-2035 - Instant Animals
- SCP-2036 - Fire Rabbits
- SCP-2037 - Dust Bunnies
- SCP-2038 - Unstable Standees
- SCP-2039 - Pikes 'n' Wagners
- SCP-2040 - The Iron Messenger
- SCP-2041 - Merry-Go-View
- SCP-2042 - One-man Opera
- SCP-2044 - Big Wigs
- SCP-2045 - Ambulatory Molasses Generator
- SCP-2046 - Mendeleev's Nightmare
- SCP-2047 - Collaboration
- SCP-2048 - The Virtual World
- SCP-2049 - The Interdimensional Weather Station
- SCP-2050 - Sciurine Crusaders
- SCP-2051 - Stromatolite Habitat
- SCP-2052 - Perpetual Motion Cloth
- SCP-2053 - Paternal Rubik's Cube
- SCP-2054 - The Double
- SCP-2055 - Voir Dire
- SCP-2056 - Tsiatko
- SCP-2057 - You Are What You Eat
- SCP-2058 - Smith Jim
- SCP-2059 - Wall of Flesh
- SCP-2060 - We Burn Every Day
- SCP-2061 - "Entire Local Family Chokes To Death On Single Calculator"
- SCP-2062 - Kronecker
- SCP-2063 - A Past Vision of the Future
- SCP-2064 - Mayhem Dressed in a Suit
- SCP-2065 - Empty Inside
- SCP-2066 - Highly Visible Entity
- SCP-2067 - Shah's Guardian
- SCP-2068 - Chaos Pump
- SCP-2069 - AEGIS
- SCP-2070 - The Fingers of God
- SCP-2071 - Sir Michael Cavendish, in the Guise of the King of Serpents
- SCP-2072 - Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery
- SCP-2073 - One Last Lullaby
- SCP-2074 - Sinkbait
- SCP-2075 - The Way of All Flesh
- SCP-2076 - "Shooting Yourself Can Increase Your Bullet Resistance"
- SCP-2077 - Miracle Stuff
- SCP-2078 - Third Party
- SCP-2079 - The Law of the Grokodus
- SCP-2080 - Dads House
- SCP-2081 - Making Your Dreams Your Reality
- SCP-2082 - Elephas cryophilus
- SCP-2083 - Hoboken Bunion Emergency
- SCP-2084 - Anabasis
- SCP-2085 - The Black Rabbit Company
- SCP-2086 - Rerouting
- SCP-2087 - The Best of All Possible Worlds
- SCP-2088 - The MC&D Center
- SCP-2089 - /john/
- SCP-2090 - Potentially XK Tim Duncan
- SCP-2091 - A Bear and His Granddaughter
- SCP-2092 - Space Riddle
- SCP-2093 - Open Alpha
- SCP-2094 - Motormouth
- SCP-2095 - The Siege of Gyaros
- SCP-2096 - Elder Care
- SCP-2097 - The Perfect Foil
- SCP-2098 - Saint Simon's Day
- SCP-2099 - Brain in a Jar
2100 till 2199
- SCP-2100 - Tripwire
- SCP-2101 - The Imperial Army
- SCP-2102 - Got Shoggoth?
- SCP-2103 - Thought Preserves
- SCP-2104 - The King by the Tree
- SCP-2105 - Programmable Occult
- SCP-2106 - A Conspiracy of Ravens
- SCP-2107 - Diet Ghost™
- SCP-2108 - Another Sun
- SCP-2109 - A Tragic Accident
- SCP-2110 - Safe Haven
- SCP-2111 - If You Can Read This…
- SCP-2112 - And the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
- SCP-2113 - Haunted Liopleurodon Skull
- SCP-2114 - Technological Rodents
- SCP-2115 - Meet Other People
- SCP-2116 - Lonely Ragdoll
- SCP-2117 - The Stolen Solidarity
- SCP-2118 - The Lost Child
- SCP-2119 - Transmitting Parasite
- SCP-2120 - Damage Control
- SCP-2121 - Gods' Noose
- SCP-2122 - The Black Hole
- SCP-2123 - I Accidentally the Whole Universe
- SCP-2124 - Conceptual Knife
- SCP-2125 - The Hanging Tree
- SCP-2126 - Letter from Grandma
- SCP-2127 - Hinterkai-fun!
- SCP-2128 - The Liars' Cradle
- SCP-2129 - Hot-Blooded Snake
- SCP-2130 - Office Furniture
- SCP-2131 - Antipope
- SCP-2132 - Most Dangerous Fighting Exhibition and Obstacle Resort
- SCP-2133 - Our Land, Our Bondage
- SCP-2134 - Shelter
- SCP-2135 - 91st Street Station
- SCP-2136 - An Utterly Driven Scientist
- SCP-2137 - The Forensic Ghost Of Tupac Shakur
- SCP-2138 - Secrets, secrets are no fun…
- SCP-2139 - Indeterminate object or objects, or possibly a memetic effect of some kind
- SCP-2140 - Retroconverter
- SCP-2141 - Primordial Wyrm
- SCP-2142 - Just Clap Your Hands
- SCP-2143 - Singin' in the Rain
- SCP-2144 - Misconception of a Brainchild
- SCP-2145 - Seven Extra Seasons
- SCP-2146 - The Space Whale
- SCP-2147 - Neverglades
- SCP-2148 - Mr. Stripes
- SCP-2149 - A Grinder of Metal
- SCP-2150 - A Breach of Command
- SCP-2151 - The Ties That Bind Us
- SCP-2152 - Home™
- SCP-2153 - Charitable Clovers
- SCP-2154 - Space nowadays
- SCP-2155 - The Mexica Government in Exile
- SCP-2156 - Red and Black
- SCP-2157 - The Human Forest
- SCP-2158 - The Gun That Never Misses
- SCP-2159 - Head-"Kannon"
- SCP-2160 - The Happy Place
- SCP-2161 - Blank Space
- SCP-2162 - … as normal as blueberry pie
- SCP-2163 - Hollywood
- SCP-2164 - Magical Two: Electric Boogaloo
- SCP-2165 - Irredeemable
- SCP-2166 - Foot Pope
- SCP-2167 - Demon Gate Amplifier
- SCP-2168 - Progress
- SCP-2169 - Conversational Surgery
- SCP-2170 - The Clown Vaccine
- SCP-2171 - Autumn Shepherds
- SCP-2172 - This Light Never Turns Green
- SCP-2173 - An Interdimensional Mexican Standoff
- SCP-2174 - "Miranda"
- SCP-2175 - Are You Going
- SCP-2176 - Ghostlight™
- SCP-2177 - Yellow Journal Infection
- SCP-2178 - Great Sage
- SCP-2179 - False Alarm
- SCP-2180 - The Living Cave Painting
- SCP-2181 - Little Lock-a-Doors
- SCP-2182 - The Big Bang
- SCP-2183 - The Ride Never Ends
- SCP-2184 - Stone Age
- SCP-2185 - The Aquaform Thaumaturgic Union
- SCP-2186 - Chameleonscaper
- SCP-2187 - Juĝo Nova
- SCP-2188 - Life and Times of Joaquín Pablo Izquierdo de San Felipe
- SCP-2189 - Clockwork Fruit
- SCP-2190 - Phone calls from Mom
- SCP-2191 - "Dracula Factory"
- SCP-2192 - "Milaya," the Atomic Child
- SCP-2193 - "Monthly Termination"
- SCP-2194 - Filth
- SCP-2195 - Sons of the Nation
- SCP-2196 - The Deep Mote
- SCP-2197 - Shop Class
- SCP-2198 - Mourning The World
- SCP-2199 - Out of the Frying Pan
2200 till 2299
- SCP-2200 - Soulberg
- SCP-2201 - Cross-Dimensional Barbershop
- SCP-2202 - A Brief Respite
- SCP-2203 - Find the One for You!
- SCP-2204 - Triple Threat: Intracommunal Men of Obscurity
- SCP-2205 - Mr. Dwight Montgomery-Patterson, War Hero
- SCP-2206 - Maximum League Baseball
- SCP-2207 - Dimensional Razor
- SCP-2208 - Deus in Furno
- SCP-2209 - Virtual Reality
- SCP-2210 - Policy #40535: Anomalous Intelligence
- SCP-2211 - A .wmv, a .wav, an .exe, and a Coffee Machine
- SCP-2213 - Cat People
- SCP-2214 - Economy of Scale
- SCP-2215 - I Saw the Sign
- SCP-2216 - Peripheral Visions
- SCP-2217 - Hammer and Anvil
- SCP-2218 - If I Only Had a Brain
- SCP-2220 - Halsey's Hammer
- SCP-2221 - A Friendly Agreement
- SCP-2222 - Meschk-Mernanschordbtoum-VordhosbnV7
- SCP-2223 - Spamdexing Anime Images
- SCP-2224 - Teeter-Pult
- SCP-2225 - Repentant Lindworm
- SCP-2226 - Annihilation
- SCP-2227 - If You See Something, Say Something
- SCP-2228 - Foundation Playsets
- SCP-2229 - Legate of Ursa Major to the Senate and People of Rome
- SCP-2230 - An Unlicensed Neurosurgeon
- SCP-2231 - A Shared Identity
- SCP-2232 - Birdphone. Think Different.
- SCP-2233 - Sociosophy
- SCP-2234 - Great Deals on Pineal Removal
- URA-9611 - The Ozymandias Effect
- SCP-2236 - Optical Instrument
- SCP-2237 - "There is always a cost…"
- SCP-2238 - "Broadcasting Live From Out of Time"
- SCP-2239 - Gatherer of Gratitudes
- SCP-2240 - Young Floridian Couple
- SCP-2241 - Cameron The Crusader
- SCP-2242 - Technical Difficulties
- SCP-2243 - Peep Peepers
- SCP-2244 - Partition E
- SCP-2245 - A Dream's Nightmare
- SCP-2246 - You Set the Scene
- SCP-2247 - "What did I go through to seek a new employer?"
- SCP-2248 - The Temple of Luna Primogenita
- SCP-2249 - The Failed Dreamland
- SCP-2250 - Duck Hunt
- SCP-2251 - The Prince
- SCP-2252 - Pulling Clothesline
- SCP-2253 - The Alcohol Republic
- SCP-2254 - The Demon La Hire and the Valley of Lust
- SCP-2255 - The Most Interesting Rainstorm in the World
- SCP-2256 - Very Tall Things
- SCP-2257 - House God
- SCP-2258 - The Great Escape
- SCP-2259 - Survival of the Foetest
- SCP-2260 - Traveler's Journal
- SCP-2261 - Community Policing
- SCP-2262 - The Maddening Font
- SCP-2263 - The Skeleton Gallery
- SCP-2264 - In the Court of Alagadda
- SCP-2265 - Dinner with Andrew
- SCP-2266 - For the World to Dictate Her Death
- SCP-2267 - Vibrations
- SCP-2268 - Loaf Page
- SCP-2269 - Grandma Spider
- SCP-2270 - An Unnecessary Utilization of Excessive Force
- SCP-2271 - Factory Loans
- SCP-2272 - Ellis Canastota, P, Pensacola Blue Wahoos
- SCP-2273 - Major Alexei Belitrov, of the Red Army's 22nd Armored Infantry Division
- SCP-2274 - He Stands
- SCP-2275 - Where Muses Go
- SCP-2276 - Too many GRACE
- SCP-2277 - Andronika Optima Maxima
- SCP-2278 - Und ruhig fließt der Rhein
- SCP-2280 - Extra Nightly Cow
- SCP-2281 - Backseat Driver
- SCP-2282 - Goat.
- SCP-2283 - Spirit Bomb
- SCP-2284 - Mr. Lie
- SCP-2285 - Cloudivores
- SCP-2286 - If You Build a Better Mousetrap…
- SCP-2287 - Mr. Headless
- SCP-2288 - Copy of A
- SCP-2289 - The Devils' Eyes
- SCP-2290 - It's fine.
- SCP-2291 - FUN BOX
- SCP-2292 - Gorilla beringei necromantiae
- SCP-2293 - An Inside Joke
- SCP-2294 - The Problems At Hand
- SCP-2295 - The Bear with a Heart of Patchwork
- SCP-2296 - Emperor Penguin Tube Mommas
- SCP-2297 - The Killer Thermostat
- SCP-2298 - Life in a Plastic Box
- SCP-2299 - Cephalensis-9
2300 till 2399
- SCP-2300 - Periodic Golems
- SCP-2301 - Slayer's Song
- SCP-2302 - The Ditz
- SCP-2303 - Tower of Silence
- SCP-2304 - "Like This Image To Die Instantly"
- SCP-2305 - great ideas that are TOTALY USELESS (lulz)
- SCP-2306 - Revenant AI
- SCP-2307 - The Pen Is Mightier
- SCP-2308 - Futures Trading
- SCP-2309 - Iron Wall of Dhul-Qarnayn
- SCP-2310 - The House That Makes You Sarah Palmer
- SCP-2311 - Baby Wizard
- SCP-2312 - A Petty King
- SCP-2313 - Sensory Deprivation
- SCP-2314 - Проект Стебельчатый Глаз
- SCP-2315 - Mother Always Knows
- SCP-2316 - Field Trip
- SCP-2317 - A Door to Another World
- SCP-2318 - Country Club Nuisance
- SCP-2319 - Mirrored Shipwreck
- SCP-2320 - A Trolley
- SCP-2321 - Foor Th'luv Uv God Doont Yuuz It
- SCP-2322 - Being Shirley Gillespie
- SCP-2323 - Sentinel Butcher
- SCP-2324 - Her Majesty's Navy
- SCP-2325 - Involuntary Bullet Catching
- SCP-2326 - Phantom Bomber Fleet
- SCP-2327 - Gastroesophageal Squirrels
- SCP-2328 - The Hoarder's Son
- SCP-2329 - …But Nobody's Home
- SCP-2330 - A Convincing Whiteboard
- SCP-2332 - Thought Messenger
- SCP-2333 - One Week To Live
- SCP-2334 - Every Possible Photograph
- SCP-2335 - The Filmmaker
- SCP-2336 - The Word
- SCP-2337 - "Dr. Spanko"
- SCP-2338 - An Unorthodox Adoption
- SCP-2339 - Bumblebee Philharmonic Orchestra
- SCP-2340 - Homesick Hills
- SCP-2341 - Welcome Home
- SCP-2342 - Discordianisme Syncrétiste
- SCP-2343 - How I Got To Memphis
- SCP-2344 - The DoorWay
- SCP-2345 - Gray Anatomy
- SCP-2346 - Die Bescheidene
- SCP-2347 - Maxwell's Phoenix
- SCP-2348 - sky
- SCP-2349 - Transmitting Ants
- SCP-2350 - From the Mind of Malinalxochitl
- SCP-2351 - A Wild Goose Chase
- SCP-2352 - A Sorta-Dead Vlogger and Their Clingy Extradimensional Fan
- SCP-2353 - The Mannequin That Will No Longer Put Up With This Shit, Honestly
- SCP-2354 - Reasonable Accommodations
- SCP-2355 - 'They Grow up so Fast'
- SCP-2356 - Skylar's Wand
- SCP-2357 - The Perfect SCP
- SCP-2358 - I've seen this somewhere before…
- SCP-2359 - Yesterday, Upon the Stair
- SCP-2360 - Cog of Duty
- SCP-2361 - Recurring Board Position
- SCP-2362 - Not a Planet
- SCP-2363 - The Womb Farm
- SCP-2364 - Shaped Like Itself
- SCP-2365 - The universe is trying to tell you that it hates you
- SCP-2366 - Ils coopéraient ensemble
- SCP-2367 - Splatzshtaffel
- SCP-2368 - Across the Water
- SCP-2369 - Suburban Dollhouse
- SCP-2370 - Undo It, Retry It
- SCP-2371 - A Secret Admirer
- SCP-2372 - Soulmates
- SCP-2373 - Behind You
- SCP-2374 - Transporting Washing Machines
- SCP-2375 - We're All The Same Down Here
- SCP-2376 - Crow's Revenge
- SCP-2377 - Your House
- SCP-2378 - Tissue Dome
- SCP-2379 - Roach Motel
- SCP-2380 - The Left Kidney of Junior Researcher Østergaard
- SCP-2381 - Call of the Hyphae
- SCP-2382 - The Queen's Gallery
- SCP-2383 - A Different Kind of Light
- SCP-2384 - The Biggest Duck of All
- SCP-2385 - Somewhere In The Between
- SCP-2386 - Pink Ladies
- SCP-2387 - Raze and Build and Raze and Build
- SCP-2389 - Midas Magpie
- SCP-2390 - Illuminitis
- SCP-2391 - Bimmy Plays
- SCP-2392 - Barrel of Monkeys
- SCP-2393 - Trees These Days
- SCP-2394 - Solitude
- SCP-2395 - $585.98
- SCP-2396 - Ms. Sweetie
- SCP-2397 - Homesickness
- SCP-2398 - Home Run Bat
- SCP-2399 - A Malfunctioning Destroyer
2400 till 2499
- SCP-2400 - Temporal Dilation Facility
- SCP-2401 - Mary Had a Little Lamb
- SCP-2402 - That Takes Me Back
- SCP-2403 - The Air Stair
- SCP-2404 - Enki & Enki
- SCP-2405 - 2017_acf_nats_fianls.mp4
- SCP-2406 - The Colossus
- SCP-2407 - Learned Helplessness
- SCP-2408 - Orok's Fall
- SCP-2409 - Lost Precinct
- SCP-2410 - We Are Beary Sorry
- SCP-2411 - Internal Affairs
- SCP-2412 - Cassandra Bot
- SCP-2413 - Critical Thinking
- SCP-2414 - UnSCiPpable
- SCP-2415 - One Half of a Two-Hander
- SCP-2416 - The Day the Clown Died
- SCP-2417 - Gods, the Universes, and Origami
- SCP-2418 - Hadrian's Well
- SCP-2419 - The Laughing Men
- SCP-2420 - A Good Dog
- SCP-2421 - Don't let the bathbugs bite
- SCP-2422 - A Friendly Family
- SCP-2423 - Site-██
- SCP-2424 - Hostile Walrus Cyborg research ongoing
- SCP-2425 - Fifth Church Recruitment Tool
- SCP-2426 - FutureSkip/LuxeShop
- SCP-2427 - A Thing Full of Stuff
- SCP-2428 - Mr. Mad
- SCP-2429 - The Human Zoo
- SCP-2430 - Immortal Hitler Clone
- SCP-2431 - 1000 Prion Cranes
- SCP-2432 - Room Service
- SCP-2433 - This definitely does not help Bernie Sanders
- SCP-2434 - Carmageddon
- SCP-2435 - Empty Space
- SCP-2436 - One of the Huldufólk
- SCP-2437 - The Man in the Box
- SCP-2438 - There Is No Hunger in the Lee of the Stone
- SCP-2440 - The Sealed King
- SCP-2441 - Almost Eight
- SCP-2442 - Sometimes Therapy Is Merely Painful Truths
- SCP-2443 - A Heap of Deloaches
- SCP-2444 - Flea Circus
- SCP-2445 - Wondertainment Logistics
- SCP-2446 - Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 ("White Rabbits")
- SCP-2447 - Modular Animals
- SCP-2448 - Castle of Guillaume the Guildmaster
- SCP-2449 - Unexpected Confinement
- SCP-2450 - Teeth
- SCP-2451 - Love Through Time, Space and Species
- SCP-2452 - A Collection of Photographs
- SCP-2453 - Pregnancy Test
- SCP-2454 - How To Train Your Axolotl
- SCP-2455 - Possibilities Girl
- SCP-2456 - Dreams of a Broken World
- SCP-2457 - 母を見たい ("haha o mitai")
- SCP-2458 - Music Hath Charms
- SCP-2459 - When the Traffic Clears
- SCP-2460 - Dark Satellite
- SCP-2461 - Aftermath
- SCP-2462 - I'm so tired of fake friends, drama, liars, being ignored, and getting hurt
- SCP-2463 - An Emperor's Debt
- SCP-2464 - Suspension
- SCP-2465 - "Sadness is Temporary"
- SCP-2466 - Slay Dragon Save City
- SCP-2467 - A Sum Greater Than Its Parts
- SCP-2468 - Wounded Child
- SCP-2469 - Sunny Valley
- SCP-2470 - The Void Singularity
- SCP-2471 - That's the way the cookie crumbles.
- SCP-2472 - A Small Metal Air Coupler That Is Apparently Not Anomalous
- SCP-2473 - Better Hide, Better Run
- SCP-2474 - Irnini Mons
- SCP-2475 - Culinary Deduction
- SCP-2476 - I Didn't Expect That
- SCP-2477 - Inertial Dampeners
- SCP-2478 - Ordinary Japanese People
- SCP-2479 - Animaland!
- SCP-2480 - An Unfinished Ritual
- SCP-2481 - Kill the Suns
- SCP-2482 - Liquid Itch
- SCP-2483 - Sad Swingset
- SCP-2484 - Parasitic Mayonnaise Worms
- SCP-2485 - Drunkard's Dream
- SCP-2486 - Pomegarrote
- SCP-2487 - Postman Chasers
- SCP-2488 - Safety Harbor Milk Delivery Service
- SCP-2489 - A Political Machine
- SCP-2490 - Chaos Insurgency Special Operative Alpha-19
- SCP-2491 - Sean Connery Ovipositing 300 Eggs Daily
- SCP-2492 - Soul Beacon
- SCP-2493 - One Man's Garbage
- SCP-2494 - Soft Hands
- SCP-2495 - The Well and the Pit
- SCP-2496 - A New Parallel Postulate
- SCP-2497 - Home for the CactusNights
- SCP-2498 - The Rainbow Body
- SCP-2499 - Harmony of the Spheres
2500 till 2599
- SCP-2500 - A Higher Purpose
- SCP-2501 - The Claw
- SCP-2502 - B#
- SCP-2503 - Estimated Distance: 9,216 Years
- SCP-2504 - Embry-Os, The World's Most Popular Fetus Based Cereal Product!
- SCP-2505 - Entry Creation Wizard
- SCP-2506 - Niles is a Fixer
- SCP-2507 - A Web Of Cliques
- SCP-2508 - The Long Wait
- SCP-2509 - Hardware Pets
- SCP-2510 - Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?
- SCP-2511 - Kappa Population Distribution: More in Mongolia than anywhere else
- SCP-2512 - An Anomalous Area In Arizona
- SCP-2513 - Also, Carthage Must Be Destroyed
- SCP-2514 - Make-The-Tears-Go-Away Pony
- SCP-2515 - Napoleon Crossing the Urals
- SCP-2516 - The Man from Taured
- SCP-2517 - This One Time I Saw God On Shrooms
- SCP-2518 - Mountain Folk
- SCP-2519 - Cry me a river
- SCP-2520 - The Special Court
- SCP-2521 - ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
- SCP-2522 - hatbot.aic
- SCP-2523 - Goblin Market
- SCP-2524 - No Strings
- SCP-2525 - Extraterrestrial Broadcaster
- SCP-2526 - Autophantotrophic
- SCP-2527 - Massy's Big Chance
- SCP-2528 - Panda Processors
- SCP-2529 - Rest in Peace
- SCP-2530 - The Emerald Choir
- SCP-2531 - The Pumpkin Man
- SCP-2532 - Now Hiring
- SCP-2533 - Disinformation Document
- SCP-2534 - Future Pennies
- SCP-2535 - Printers that Eat, and Eaters that Print
- SCP-2536 - The Gift That Keeps On Giving
- SCP-2537 - Werebricks
- SCP-2538 - The Perfect Escape
- SCP-2539 - Highway to Hell
- SCP-2540 - Time Lime
- SCP-2541 - Like a Lemon, Sexuality Looks Beautiful and Alluring…
- SCP-2542 - Grinds Exceeding Small
- SCP-2543 - Our Harriet
- SCP-2544 - The Call of the Void
- SCP-2545 - The Gummy Barrel
- SCP-2546 - A Retroviral Nightmare
- SCP-2547 - Dog Days Of Summer
- SCP-2548 - The Friendly Vacuum
- SCP-2549 - Animal Assassins
- SCP-2550 - Depressed Albatross
- SCP-2551 - "I could've sworn I just saw…"
- SCP-2552 - A Delusion's Desperation
- SCP-2553 - Juridical Person
- SCP-2554 - Duckweed
- SCP-2555 - Growing Up
- SCP-2556 - Indefinitely Suspended Stratojet
- SCP-2557, A Holding of Envelope Logistics® - A Holding of Envelope Logistics®
- SCP-2558 - Horseshoe Beach First Baptist Church (Relocated)
- SCP-2559 - "I've Heard There's Something Going Around"
- SCP-2560 - Polar Opposites
- SCP-2561 - Pet Radio Mast
- SCP-2562 - RTFM
- SCP-2563 - Bones of Contention
- SCP-2564 - Willow Glen Community Hospital
- Allison Eckhart - Allison Eckhart
- SCP-2566 - Demurrage
- SCP-2567 - A Kindly Corpse Warden
- SCP-2568 - Snap To Grid
- SCP-2569 - Blood Lamp
- SCP-2570 - MCA and Heartbreak
- SCP-2571 - Cragglewood Park
- SCP-2572 - Broken Dreams on Dekalb Avenue
- SCP-2573 - I ain’t never heard of no commy Fifthists or nothin'.
- SCP-2574 - What Rough Beast
- SCP-2575 - Dreaming of Outer Space
- SCP-2576 - Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Goat
- SCP-2577 - Falling Ships
- SCP-2578 - "This Machine Kills Fascists"
- SCP-2579 - Grail's Dancing Bears
- SCP-2580 - Father-Daughter Project
- SCP-2581 - Greeting Card Rapture
- SCP-2582 - Hammer & Nail
- SCP-2583 - Dust to Dust
- SCP-2584 - Loop Snakes
- SCP-2585 - Savage Mountain
- SCP-2586 - That's Not My Name
- SCP-2587 - The Odd Family of Martha Fern
- SCP-2588 - The Collective Consciousness of Arthur H. Jones
- SCP-2589 - Don't Leave Me This Way
- SCP-2590 - Trailer Trash
- SCP-2591 - Il duca avrà la vendetta
- SCP-2592 - Milk and Bananas
- SCP-2593 - Donut Jimmy
- SCP-2594 - Extradimensional Waiting Room
- SCP-2595 - A Hastened Evolution
- SCP-2596 - A Big Ship-load
- SCP-2597 - Minus-Two Kilograms
- SCP-2598 - Traveling Moth Salesman
- SCP-2599 - Not Good Enough
2600 till 2699
- SCP-2600 - The Empty Box
- SCP-2601 - They Say You Die Twice
- SCP-2602 - Exbibliothetic
- SCP-2603 - Its Maiden Voyage
- SCP-2604 - Not A Fence
- SCP-2605 - Caretaker
- SCP-2606 - Verminous Vessel
- SCP-2607 - Herpes ERPlex
- SCP-2608 - Anomalous Indicator Species
- SCP-2609 - Traveling Lamp
- SCP-2610 - Procreation
- SCP-2611 - Large and In Charge
- SCP-2612 - The Weight of the World A Donkey and Its Cart
- SCP-2613 - Never Leave the Fallen
- SCP-2614 - Sometimes I Go Out In Pity For Myself
- SCP-2615 - If You Believe
- SCP-2616 - Shoo, Fly
- SCP-2617 - Winter Battalion Command
- SCP-2618 - This Is How Confidentiality Works, Right?
- SCP-2619 - The Mocking Birds
- SCP-2620 - Food Critique
- SCP-2621 - Knocking on Heaven's Door
- SCP-2622 - Ambassador from the Mole People
- SCP-2623 - Distance
- SCP-2624 - Laika's Sweetheart Space-Beacon
- SCP-2625 - Chipperee Mine
- SCP-2626 - Large Format Camera
- SCP-2627 - Boardwalk Empire
- SCP-2628 - Efficient Tenders of the Artifice
- SCP-2629 - The Twenty-Nine Year Paintball War
- SCP-2630 - Stock Of A Sort
- SCP-2631 - Standard Containment Planet
- SCP-2632 - No Fury
- SCP-2633 - Narcotic Crustaceans
- SCP-2634 - A Higher Power
- SCP-2635 - Hot Potato
- SCP-2636 - The Last Daughter of Thsassashan'aa
- SCP-2637 - A controversial chunk of rock with 196,884-dimensional stakes
- SCP-2638 - Alone in a Crowded Room
- SCP-2639 - Video Game Violence
- SCP-2640 - The Gurdon Lights
- SCP-2641 - The Talk Spore
- SCP-2642 - "Half of an Elephant's Face"
- SCP-2643 - A Remembered Pet
- SCP-2644 - LostPerson
- SCP-2645 - Through the Looking Glass
- SCP-2646 - Water Tower
- SCP-2647 - Premium
- SCP-2648 - CJ's Shroom Farm and the Angering of the Fleshball on Acid
- SCP-2649 - Multidimensional Ceramic Omnivore
- SCP-2650 - Pediatric Pupaphobia
- SCP-2651 - Gazing Upon a Failed Future
- SCP-2652 - That Deaf, Dumb and Blind Kid
- SCP-2653 - Sausages
- SCP-2654 - 1001 Arabian Snacks
- SCP-2655 - The Third Frog
- SCP-2656 - The Idiot Box
- SCP-2657 - Puppet Master
- SCP-2658 - A Convincing Proxy
- SCP-2659 - Finback Whale Psychopomp
- SCP-2660 - An object that removes darkness
- SCP-2661 - The Hoof Diary
- SCP-2662 - cthulhu f'UCK OFF!
- SCP-2663 - Dionysus
- SCP-2664 - Redline
- SCP-2665 - The Miner's Escape
- SCP-2666 - Isles of Creation
- SCP-2667 - The Sightseers of Provence
- SCP-2668 - We who are about to die salute you
- SCP-2669 - Khevtuul 1
- SCP-2670 - Somebody Else's God
- SCP-2671 - My buddy, the bird
- SCP-2672 - Baby Monitor
- SCP-2673 - The Hunter in Words
- SCP-2674 - An Ancient, Submerged Burial Ground
- SCP-2675 - The Cradle
- SCP-2676 - For S
- SCP-2677 - Obfuscation
- SCP-2678 - A City All of Blood
- SCP-2679 - The Many Graves of Jeannette Parslov
- SCP-2680 - The Gorillas Simply Freeze to Death
- SCP-2681 - Animal Man
- SCP-2682 - The Blind Idiot
- SCP-2683 - Proboscidea Pilgrimage
- SCP-2684 - Where's the Beach?
- SCP-2685 - Thinking in Abstraction
- SCP-2686 - Moon Wizard
- SCP-2687 - Instant Organs
- SCP-2688 - Enammu
- SCP-2689 - The Smooth, Rich Taste of Marlboro
- SCP-2690 - Angel's Tongue
- SCP-2691 - Covered Bridge
- SCP-2692 - Remains of Subterranean France
- SCP-2693 - Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well
- SCP-2694 - These Old Bones
- SCP-2695 - Lucibelle Perhacs
- SCP-2696 - The Haunted Victorian Mansion of Dark Peak
- SCP-2697 - Fire Season
- SCP-2698 - O Great One Communing Human via Computer
- SCP-2699 - Counterfeit Creatures
2700 till 2799
- SCP-2700 - Teleforce
- SCP-2701 - True Solitary
- SCP-2702 - Professor Abnormal's Science Lab
- SCP-2703 - For a Good Time Call
- SCP-2704 - 🕷️ Beetle Royale 🕷️
- SCP-2705 - Caged in Earth
- SCP-2706 - Resurrection Forest
- SCP-2707 - The Ratatoskr Lineage
- SCP-2708 - My Memetic Waifu
- SCP-2709 - Can Anyone Hear You Scream?
- SCP-2710 - A Certain Breach
- SCP-2711 - 定海神针 如意金箍棒
- SCP-2712 - The Entry for SCP-2712 in the Foundation Database
- SCP-2713 - Exotic Stars
- SCP-2714 - Billions of Blue Blistering
- SCP-2715 - Guilty Sister
- SCP-2717 - Fatberg
- SCP-2718 - What Happens After
- SCP-2719 - Inside
- SCP-2720 - Penguin Honeymoon Suite
- SCP-2721 - Eli and Lyris
- SCP-2722 - Straight on 'Til Morning
- SCP-2723 - The Prophet's Tower
- SCP-2724 - X-Man
- SCP-2725 - Akron and Nemesis
- SCP-2726 - Post Ghost
- SCP-2727 - Добрых мужчин
- SCP-2728 - On the Barcelona Skyline
- SCP-2729 - What is it Good For?
- SCP-2730 - Q U A C K - Q U A C K
- SCP-2731 - When Hell Freezes Over
- SCP-2732 - 《缢王本纪》
- SCP-2733 - Head Cabinet
- SCP-2734 - Exodus of the Clowns
- SCP-2735 - Ancient Methanogens
- SCP-2736 - The Age of Nixon
- SCP-2737 - A Dead Lamprey
- SCP-2738 - Anticapitalist POS System
- SCP-2739 - Ab Inconvenienti
- SCP-2740 - It Wasn't There
- SCP-2741 - A Sinister Device
- SCP-2742 - Caelivorous Remnants
- SCP-2743 - Suttungr Nevermore
- SCP-2745 - Linda Perhacs
- SCP-2746 - ████ is dead.
- SCP-2747 - As below, so above
- SCP-2748 - Driving Roadkill from Xiangxi
- SCP-2749 - It's Just Business
- SCP-2750 - Navajo Skinwalkers
- SCP-2751 - Hydrophobic Dogs
- SCP-2752 - Junk Male
- SCP-2753 - Let's Play Jenga!
- SCP-2754 - A Festival For One, a Festival For None.
- SCP-2755 - Brevity of Writ
- SCP-2756 - Surreal Landscaper
- SCP-2757 - Dr. Wondertainment's Projector Fantastico™
- SCP-2758 - Self-Containment Process
- SCP-2759 - As Within, So Without
- SCP-2760 - Eccentric Flailing Air-powered Dragons
- SCP-2761 - Bananazilla
- SCP-2762 - Moon Snakes
- SCP-2763 - The Tragedy of SCP-2763, A Modern Euclid Tale
- SCP-2764 - The Eldritch Antarctic
- SCP-2765 - Caveat Dei
- SCP-2766 - Aqua Caligula
- SCP-2767 - Oppression Blue
- SCP-2768 - Human Potential
- SCP-61231 - An Honest Buck
- SCP-2770 - The Lure
- SCP-2771 - Border Duty
- SCP-2772 - Real Life Memorial For A Virtual Non-Existence
- SCP-2773 - Panic Attacks
- SCP-2774 - The Slow Burn Sloth
- SCP-2775 - Bootleg Hoomans
- SCP-2776 - Mr. President
- SCP-2777 - He Who Would Be King
- SCP-2778 - Rest For The Wicked
- SCP-2779 - Oinkers 🐷
- SCP-2780 - Temporal Anomaly, 618 Evergreen St.
- SCP-2781 - Bodhisattva of the High Seas
- SCP-2782 - The Flock
- SCP-2783 - Silent Lamentations of a Clockwork Goddess
- SCP-2784 - My friends have made a net
- SCP-2785 - Self-Replicating Automaton
- SCP-2786 - The Archetype
- SCP-2787 - A Bridge in ████████
- SCP-2788 - God is Red Rich
- SCP-2789 - Self-Replicating Fast Food Chain
- SCP-2790 - You've Got a Squid in Me
- SCP-2791 - Fauste Bank plc
- SCP-2792 - Sarah Snow Rabbit
- SCP-2793 - Peace Planet
- SCP-2794 - Cutesy Wutesy Pootesy NK Ladybugs
- SCP-2795 - The Can-Do Helper
- SCP-2796 - Invisible Ink
- SCP-2797 - Белки
- SCP-2798 - This Dying World
- SCP-2799 - The Navigator
2800 till 2899
- SCP-2800 - Cactusman
- SCP-2801 - All Your Brains Are Belong To Us
- SCP-2802 - Un-woodpeckers
- SCP-2803 - TotleighSoft - "Because COMPUTERS!"™
- SCP-2804 - Fire and Forget
- SCP-2805 - Disney on Ice
- SCP-2806 - We Have the Technology
- SCP-2807 - Ancient Foundation Burial Ground
- SCP-2808 - Doomsday
- SCP-2809 - Des Souvenirs
- SCP-2810 - Turtles All the Way Down
- SCP-2811 - Kali Yuga
- SCP-2812 - Echoes of Yesterday
- SCP-2813 - Ghost Ship
- SCP-2814 - Heretic of the Torch
- SCP-2815 - Tree of Life
- SCP-2816 - Nuclear Forgery
- SCP-2817 - The Carpet King Prosecutes Itself
- SCP-2818 - A Gun That Shoots People
- SCP-2819 - Bond Beetles
- SCP-2820 - Vaishnavastra
- SCP-2821 - A Lunar True Vacuum
- SCP-2822 - Rock Husbandry
- SCP-2823 - Fen Tigers
- SCP-2824 - The Once and Future King
- SCP-2825 - Jacob Perhacs
- SCP-2826 - The Boys From Patrol
- SCP-2827 - Probably a Lobster
- SCP-2828 - Antimemetic Body Part
- SCP-2829 - Liposlugtion
- SCP-2830 - "the Knowledge"
- SCP-2831 - The Forest Men of ███████
- SCP-2832 - Hubris
- SCP-2833 - Lineage of Vaski
- SCP-2834 - The Blood of MEKHANE
- SCP-2835 - Constructive Criticism
- SCP-2836 - The Air Swimmer
- SCP-2837 - Ancient Physics
- SCP-2838 - Stellar Reincarnation Column
- SCP-2839 - Dr Weppler's Personnel File
- SCP-2840 - Apex Nightmare
- SCP-2841 - Revenge of the Snakes
- SCP-2842 - It's A Meme, You Dip
- SCP-2843 - The Micro Landscape
- SCP-2844 - Gary of the Paperclips
- SCP-2845 - THE DEER
- SCP-2846 - The Squid and the Sailor
- SCP-2847 - Yu the Great, and the Immortal
- SCP-2848 - Leave It All Behind
- SCP-2849 - Insect Hospital
- SCP-2850 - Vespidonts
- SCP-2851 - Red
- SCP-2852 - Cousin Johnny
- SCP-2853 - From Dust to Dawn
- SCP-2854 - The Little Shop-Mart of Horrors
- SCP-2855 - Mr. Money
- SCP-2856 - Machines, machinations, and a warehouse in Leipzig
- SCP-2857 - Dr. Ji Fan, PhD SOCA
- SCP-2858 - As Though The Wasps Themselves Had Worked It There
- SCP-2859 - The Space Serpents
- SCP-2860 - Made of Stone
- SCP-2861 - Cozy Cemetery
- SCP-2862 - Beholder
- SCP-2863 - がしゃどくろ
- SCP-2864 - Di Molte Voci
- SCP-2865 - Jeremy's Kingdom
- SCP-2866 - Graffiti Activist
- SCP-2867 - No, Not The Cheese
- SCP-2868 - Concept Cordyceps
- SCP-2869 - Fuckworms
- SCP-2870 - General Malaise
- SCP-2871 - Strong Interaction Amplifier
- SCP-2872 - A Fast Horse
- SCP-2873 - Another Human Weapon
- SCP-2874 - Don-Burten Explosive Dev13e
- SCP-2875 - The Town That Got Fucked By Bears
- SCP-2876 - Dream A Little Dream
- SCP-2877 - it h8s it here
- SCP-2878 - Reverse Cyborg
- SCP-2879 - Spot the Discrepancy
- SCP-2880 - The Empire of Savaki
- SCP-2881 - The Tree You Cannot Climb
- SCP-2882 - Overwriting Myself For A Faraway Dream
- SCP-2883 - A Rainbow, Holographic, Crystal Dinosaur
- SCP-2884 - One Nation Under CCTV
- SCP-2885 - Window to Another You
- SCP-2886 - Planet-Hopping Volcano
- SCP-2887 - London Terminus
- SCP-2888 - Again and Again and Again
- SCP-2889 - That Sweet, Clean Freshwater Smell
- SCP-2890 - Magic Certainly
- SCP-2891 - Insta-Container!
- SCP-2892 - The Flying Dutchman
- SCP-2893 - A Bubble In Time
- SCP-2894 - Phantom Island
- SCP-2895 - Stingy
- SCP-2896 - To Sleep, Perchance to Dream (of Freedom)
- SCP-2897 - The Bard of Analytics
- SCP-2898 - A Persistence of Memory
- SCP-2899 - A Collection of Debris in the North Pacific Gyre
2900 till 2999
- SCP-2900 - Nobody gets left behind
- SCP-2901 - Mothman
- SCP-2902 - The Human Skeleton Closet (and his cat)
- SCP-2903 - Garden of the Manichees
- SCP-2904 - Temporary Immortals
- SCP-2905 - A Web Wrapped With Roses and Poisons
- SCP-2906 - &
- SCP-2907 - Won't Get Fooled Again
- SCP-2908 - Closed, Won't Fix
- SCP-2909 - The Kind Of Neverland One Never Wishes For
- SCP-2910 - That Only a Mother
- SCP-2911 - Mikio, a Fisherman
- SCP-2912 - Clowny Clown Clown
- SCP-2913 - A Total Ripoff
- SCP-2914 - The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of
- SCP-2915 - Frostee-Flesh
- SCP-2916 - A Lamb, a Shepherd, and a Wolf
- SCP-2917 - Twice-Stable Wormhole
- SCP-2918 - A Post-Traumatic Predator
- SCP-2919 - Protect Kalmaris!
- SCP-2920 - What Did You Expect?
- SCP-2921 - Zugzwang
- SCP-2922 - Notes From the Under
- SCP-2923 - X-Men Syndrome
- SCP-2924 - Drifters
- SCP-2925 - Sphere of Influence
- SCP-2926 - Image Corrector
- SCP-2927 - Soundspots
- SCP-2928 - The 21st Discipline
- SCP-2929 - Undulating Obsidian Monolith
- SCCP-2930 - Cross City City City City Hall
- SCP-2931 - Twin Bed
- SCP-2932 - Titania's Prison
- SCP-2933 - Mr. Scary
- SCP-2934 - WTF I hate Ndrec Gega now!
- SCP-2935 - O, Death
- SCP-2936 - Giant Nazi Robot
- SCP-2937 - A Pottery Set
- SCP-2938 - Unpredictably Reactive Substance
- SCP-2939 - “BIG NARF”
- SCP-2940 - The Light Courier
- SCP-2941 - Do Not Eat or Inspire
- SCP-2942 - My Other Car is a Fighter Jet
- SCP-2943 - In Case Of Emergency, Break Glass
- SCP-2944 - An Anomalous Haircut
- SCP-2945 - USB ██.0
- SCP-2946 - Overly Large E. Coli
- SCP-2947 - Fidget Winners
- SCP-2948 - Repeating Bomb
- SCP-2949 - Observable Televised Feline Migration
- SCP-2950 - Just A Chair
- SCP-2951 - 10,000 Years
- SCP-2952 - Conveyance Of Regional Gwerin Internationally
- SCP-2953 - Polymorphism-Inducing Rocks
- SCP-2954 - Looping Kaiju Killing
- SCP-2955 - Every Wandering Golden City of the Caesars
- SCP-2956 - We All Live in a Nuclear Submarine
- SCP-2957 - The Lunar Watchers
- SCP-2958 - Marooned
- SCP-2959 - What We Did, What We Were
- SCP-2960 - The Show MUST Go On…
- SCP-2961 - Los Ocultos
- SCP-2962 - Supacansa
- SCP-2963 - A D-Class, a Sarkicist, and a Yithian walk into a reality bender…
- SCP-2964 - "Xtreme Videozzz"
- SCP-2965 - A Pony Express
- SCP-2966 - InfiniTP
- SCP-2967 - Sapient Cephalopods
- SCP-2968 - Stairway to Heaven
- SCP-2969 - In Your Own Words
- SCP-2970 - Holy Misplacement
- SCP-2971 - Whole Lotta (Reality) Shakin' Goin' On!
- SCP-2972 - Somebody Else's Parking Lot In Sebastopol
- SCP-2973 - Ihct͟o̢ga̴m͠a̢t
- SCP-2974 - Dried and Salted Lizard
- SCP-2975 - Another Sun
- SCP-2976 - Hall of the Last King
- SCP-2977 - Periscope Ants
- SCP-2978 - Motherburg
- SCP-2979 - Your Secondary School Physics Teacher, Mr. [REDACTED]
- SCP-2980 - Devil's Nightlight
- SCP-2981 - Mashed Potatoes Can Be Your Friend
- SCP-2982 - Televon Telefex Secrecy-8
- SCP-2983 - Choco-Wonder Explosion Marshmallow Bites!™ by Dr. Wondertainment
- SCP-2984 - Girl on Fire
- SCP-2985 - Anart, Author of the Scream
- SCP-2986 - Outside the Box
- SCP-2987 - Invictus
- SCP-2988 - Folly of the Fruit Eater
- SCP-2989 - Of Bookworms, Bamboo, and Beating Hearts.
- SCP-2990 - Silently Soaring
- SCP-2991 - "Scarf"
- SCP-2992 - Everything Flows Towards Cadence
- SCP-2993 - A Pair of Sunglasses
- SCP-2994 - Interactive Whiteboards
- SCP-2995 - Radiant Son
- SCP-2996 - ERROR / ERROR
- SCP-2997 - Ashes of the Fallen
- SCP-2998 - Anomalous Transmission, 2485 MHz
- SCP-2999 - The Black Cat and the White Rabbit
- Joke SCPs - Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it.
- Arkiverede SCPer - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview.
- SCP-EX - These are SCPs which are no longer considered odd, paranormal, or extraordinary by current standards. They are written with this in mind.
- Fortegnelse over anomale objekter - For those objects that are not quite an SCP but are still abnormal in some way. Feel free to add to it, but be aware that it is regularly pruned.
- Fortegnelse over extranormale begivenheder - For when things happen which are unexplained, but occurred too briefly or quickly for the Foundation to contain them. Feel free to add to it, but be aware that it is regularly pruned.
page revision: 3, last edited: 17 Jun 2024 09:01